Pandahos dibentuk oleh 4 founder Sarjana Arsitektur dengan mimpi: agar kita dapat memiliki rumah artistik dengan harga terjangkau yang proses pembeliannya mudah.
Business Development
and Partner Relation
Herrbintang Archidenta
Cofounder of Pandahos
Cofounder of Joyglo Property
Former Director at PT Dewata Joso Property
Panangian Property School
Bachelor of Architecture (ITB)
Design and Marketing
Fajrin Aziz
Cofounder of Pandahos
Cofounder at PT Dienvibi Teknologi Nusantara (Online D2C)
Former Director at PT Iris Tri Drata (Architecture Consultant)
Master of Business Administration (ITB)
Bachelor of Architecture (ITB)
Property Market and Analysis
Meita Anissanti
Cofounder of Pandahos
Former Property Investment and Research Specialist at Asia Green Real Estate
Master of Property and Development (UNSW)
Bachelor of Architecture (ITB)
Project Management
Lanang Bintang
Cofounder of Pandahos
Former Project Manager at Turner International LLC